Coming Soon….

Oh boy…has it been a long time…..

Blogging has always been one of those things that helps me think more clearly. It helps me be more creative, and grow in areas of my life that need it the most. (Or the least as the Mister says when it comes to crafting….it’s not like crafting is a need…. )

Where to begin…..

January. We found out we were expecting baby #4. We never thought about a Number Four. Well, not really anyway. I, for one, always thought four would be great. After all, there was only ever me and my brother, so I liked the idea of there being a large family around one day in the future. (Although you could argue that I did more things with just me and my brother than my friends did with their big families growing up, but that’s not the point.)

So the first few months of the year were spent adjusting to that, while Baby M became Lil’ M and started running around. We missed walking entirely it feels like.

And it was about April, 4 years into blogging, that I realized I needed to change the focus of my blog. While I do sew and craft still, it isn’t why I blog.

I blog because us women need to know we have Grace. Grace to make it through the day from the One who loves us more than we sometimes realize. God gave me the word “Nurture” at the beginning of the year as “my word”. It’s really helped me focus on my kids more, but also on my current relationships. It’s helped me give more sound advice instead of just listening and agreeing. It’s helped me speak softer and with more thought than before. I definitely have learned to be slower to speak…which means slower to become angry in situations usually pertaining to my littles.

So…there are more changes still to come, but so far, so good.

There will be better organization so that you can find those craft projects I used to do and those Preschool lessons I did with my 3 year old who is now 5.

Time is a funny thing that is for sure. Sometimes it can’t go fast enough (as you anticipate a new baby) and it can’t go slow enough (as you watch your children start school!)

September is always the start of the year for me. School, University, Teaching, Stay at home Momma, and now School Parent. So it seems fitting that I am changing things up here.

Welcome to Proverbs 31 Momma….be encouraged as I share the “Precious Moments of Grace” in my life. I hope I can be an encouragement to you. You have Grace. He willingly gives it. Accept it.


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