
So after reading, and rereading this post by Emily Freeman I started thinking about me. The post really was a jumping off point for so many mid night thoughts… I have barely had time to think about my “New Year’s Goals”. I was starting to feel like I wasn’t going to have any. And because I am […]

Valentine’s Crafts

So, this year I decided to “celebrate” Valentine’s Day. It has been a way that Lil’ A and I can spend time doing crafts, which means she gets to practice her cutting skills. “Momma, can I cutty?” “Let’s do Cafts!” Yup, this is what I’ve been hearing for the last few weeks. She loves it. […]

From another

This past weekend I have been thinking about another post I read from Emily Freeman. My metro buddy, Sarah introduced me to her blog. God used this woman single handedly to helped my soul to breathe. I am so thankful for my friend, Sarah. She is the sister I didn’t have. I am thankful we can […]

Christmas Recipe Save

During Christmas this year, my Nana and Grampy Jim came to visit. They stayed with us. It was wonderful. My kids had a blast. But having people in meant that I cooked…a lot. Well, ok, we cooked and then ate the left overs the next day…but still. Work with me, ok? I love pasta. Have […]

Forever and a day…

So, I am so sorry that I haven’t been around! Almost every night, once the house finally is silent, I think of a list of things I’d like to tell y’all about. And then it makes me really tired to think of going into my office (yeah for the office:) and start up the laptop […]