
So, we’ve had a great lesson in being content around here. Well more, Lil’ A did. I posted Friday about our impending ultrasound….and well, here’s the results:                               Now, Lil’ A thought seeing baby on the screen was pretty neat. Not […]

Pinterest Friday!

I really enjoy Pinterest….have I said that lately? It’s the downfall for…they are losing stay at home moms by the minute. No, ok maybe that isn’t the truth, but it sure seems like it. While some of the ideas are just plain silly….or out of my reach, the never ending selection of ideas will […]

Snack Bag Tutorial

Today, I finally had time between all the interruptions to get this tutorial up! Lil’ A is missing her playmates more today than normal and is begging me to do everything for her. Not to mention the thumb sucking has gotten to me a bit more lately. Any usable advice on how to get her […]

Why I…

…Love summer! Ok, I am not really going to talk about why I love summer, but rather the sarcastic side of summer; swimsuits! Any women hear me? This year I tried to find a new one piece. Yes, one piece. I had seen a few I liked… Source: via Krystle on Pinterest Source: […]