Source I get this question a lot. Why do you cloth diaper? You are crazy! Well, ok, I’ll admit I can be a little crazy at times. I used to tend to do a lot at once and overflow my plate. I would describe our cloth diapering adventure much […]
Month: October 2013
Thankful Day 2
I know…I said all week. I’m sorry. I am glad you are eager to read my thankful posts 🙂 Just kidding…. Being thankful is a state of mind. I really believe this. And I guess you need to think about it everyday…not just at this time of year. That being said, I’ve been thinking about […]
Thankful Day 1
You know that feeling of being overwhelmed with love? I felt it with all three of the births of my children, and when I got married. I also felt it way back when I met my best girlfriend-Sarah. Recently, I’ve experienced it again. And I don’t […]
Thankful for…
This week is the week before Thanksgiving here in Canada (for my American readers-the pilgrims landed here first you know-wink, wink). Last week, Lil’ A and I put together our fall mantel, and as always, the focus is being thankful. I have so many things to be thankful for. I don’t really feel one is […]