What you didn’t know….

So, I’ve been blogging at least once a week (minus last week-we were all under the weather!) for about 4 months. And I have to admit, I really like it. I know people are reading whether they comment or not. I read a book on blogging (I know, I never thought there was such a thing…) and it said that for every 1 comment you have 10+ people reading. So I am hoping this is true.

I write in the middle of the night. It’s then that I get the ideas to fill the “pages” of this blog. And the ideas to fill other pages…. And it got me to thinking the last few days. I’ve never really done at “get to know me” type of post. So I thought I’d start doing “10 things you didn’t know” post at least once a month.

Here it goes-oh, no…know I am vulnerable….

1. I have secretly wanted to be a writer my whole life. 

Anne Shirley is my role model. I wanted to be her. I became a teacher because of this fictional character (ok, God had most of that in His hands, not just me). So, I now think that I could consider myself not only a “blogger” but a writer. This leads me to point number 2

2. I wrote a novel

Yup, I have. It’s about 200+ pages on Word. Only 2 people have read it…they gave me fantastic feed back…then I got pregnant with Lil’ E and I haven’t opened it in a year. I am hoping that once things settle down here in our house-I’ll have time to come back to it refreshed, with a new perspective. I’ll tell you more later (like what it’s about)…once I get over being so vulnerable.

3. I’d like to go back and get my Master’s in Education.

This is just a matter of time. I’d love to be a consultant for Early Childhood Programs. I love teaching though, so I’d have to have a pretty sweet teaching gig to make the consultation part work out in the long run. I just am having a hard time getting over the fact that I’d have to study again!

4. I have a strange obsession with paint chips!

I could seriously stand in front of the paint chip counter at Canadian Tire while Mr. L does his browsing and pick out colors for my next paint job.

5. I love my messy house!

We tried for a bit to have children, so the fact that my house is now a messy pile of toys, books, paint and crayons, is perfection. I always liked things tidy. (I came from a home that we weren’t allowed to keep our rooms messy and we couldn’t leave until the beds were made. I guess that’s what I get for having such a fabulous Dad-who had to iron his bed in RCMP Training!) But now, tidy is messy. My kids are making memories. I can be spotless later. While I do teach Lil’ A to always put away her toys, we aren’t constantly doing it all day. Once is good for me and still helps her learn.

6. I buy crayons for me, not Lil’ A.

I find Crayola crayons to be by far the best crayons! The perfect balance of wax and color! I love it! I could color for hours. I love that Lil’ A is now enjoying coloring and often asks to “co-ly”.

7. Beach, Waves, Dunes & Iced Tea= a perfect day

I love the beach! We spent about a week at the end of the summer  in Cape Charles, VA. It was breathtaking. Such a quaint, small town (think Gilmore Girls!), and the whole town was on  the Chesapeake Bay. Oh, the Sunsets! Here’s a photo of one:


8. I’ve played piano since I was in Grade Three

I love playing piano. I can’t wait to get a nice, medium sized :), grand piano in my living room! I started out learning how to play piano at a petting zoo/exotic animal farm 30 minutes outside of Rocky Mountain House (where I did the bulk of my “childhood” years). Mrs. Brown was my music teacher in school and took after school students at her home. It was a great time…..minus walking up the long road to her house while my mom and brother waited in the car at the bottom of the hill. I’m still not sure why it was always like that. Once it got dark I seem to remember them coming with me, walking back down for the half hour and then coming back up. Now, I’m curious…I’ll have to talk to my mom about that one!

But really, playing the piano is to me like watching t.v after a long day to someone else. Right now, I haven’t played much since Lil’ E was born. I’ve played in youth group, sunday school, chapel at school, squished up against a concrete wall in Mexico on a mission trip, and about 10 years ago, started playing Sundays at church, which I still do. Now, I am finding that it is hard to balance Sundays out-kids, family, so that I can play again.

As a teacher, I highly recommend music lessons for your children. It creates discipline, schedule, & part of the brain responsible for Math. I needed all the development on that side of my brain growing up!!


9. I watch my children sleep.

Who doesn’t? They amaze me. That they (Lil’A) were once that tiny (Lil’ E)….and eventually grow into what’s in the room next door (Lil’ A). Words cannot describe the feeling. A guess a picture is worth a thousand words in this case.

Lil' A- June 2009


Lil' A- September 2011 with Woody & 'Ye-Haw'
Lil' E- August 2011



10. When I am old, I will be the grandma in an old, English Cottage…minus the English

It will have to be by the sea….and I will have a cut garden(Flowers) in the front yard, white picket fence, & a sunroom facing east. I know, pretty specific for someone who hasn’t hit 30, but hey! we can dream!



There you have it! Perhaps you feel you know me just a bit more:) Let me know what you found the most surprising about this post by leaving a comment!

Happy Weekend!




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