“I let down my hair!” Day Two

So, I think Itold you that I don’t wash my hair everyday….today was one of those days.

Friends have asked me how I keep my hair curly through day two (I wish I had naturally curly like lil A’!), so I thought I’d share that with you.


At night I wear my hair in a bun-rolled the way I curled my hair. That way the curl stays put. I just secure it with an elastic. Nothing fancy or perfect. I wear it up high so that I can still sleep flat on a pillow.

In the morning, I take it down and spray some dry shampoo at the roots and rub it in and brush it out lightly (so as not to frizz out my hair completely.

Then I add some “defrizzer” to the ends and  curl them loosely around my fingers.

Shake it out and run to check that lil’ A isn’t making her own breakfast 🙂


Obviously I don’t have time for both hair and makeup:) Oh Boy….

Happy Monday! I am off to my studio to finish off some art for my main bathroom! Pictures to follow…


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