Fabric, Flowers, & Flutters

So, I have had this fabric in my stash for quite sometime:

I knew that I wanted to make a dress for Lil’ A, but hadn’t figured out which one, since I have over 30 tagged and bookmarked in books and on my laptop. I came across these really cute pillowcase dresses here.

I made matching ones for a friend who just had another little girl, so I knew they were easy. I made a few modifications, which you will see tomorrow in the first tutorial of the year, but they are generally the same as any pillowcase dress you will find online.

Here’s how it turned out:

The lighting in my new studio office is awful at night…I promise I will take better photos and post them tomorrow.

The issue I constantly have is sizing when working with tutorials and patterns online. It’s either the measurements they give aren’t correct for my skinny little toddler (duh? She’s almost 2, you’d think I’d figured it out already) or I don’t enlarge the pieces correctly. Anyway. This time it came out just past her cloth diaper bumble bum. So it’s more of a tunic for her. She really did like me trying the dress on and dancing around in it. I will have to put it back on her in the daylight and take some photos. I think I may have a great model for my new art. And I am also going to measure my little princess and write all the measurements down, just so that when I’m sewing during nap time, I don’t have to tip toe into her room and either measure her, or quietly ransack her drawers for pants, shirts and dresses that fit. (A constant challenge for us-clothing fit!)

I posted some photos of a little project I did yesterday afternoon on our photos page-be sure to check them out! From their scraps, I made these:

(Again, poor lighting…)

They all have clips on the back so you could clip them anywhere-hair, clothes, hat. I’m thinking of opening a branch of Daisy’s on Etsy.com that would house my dress and hairbow/flower collection. Thoughts?

I am still working on details for doing “Tutu Parties”. If you are interested, please let me know! Send me a message on facebook or contact me on this page. I will get out the details as soon as I have them finalized.

Flutters, you ask? Baby Flutters. Yes, I am 4 and 1/2 months pregnant and the baby bump has now, what seems like overnight actually, become quite the ball of activity. Actually it’s become quite the ball size too:)  I haven’t had any huge kicks, but the rolling around and flutter feeling sure does keep me up. Hence the late night posting this evening.

I am looking forward to sharing some more of my newest creations/replications in the coming weeks. I am very excited to finally get settled in my new office/studio and I finally have a tidy place for everything. So of course, as any crafter/seamstress knows, organization-however that is described for you-is key to the enjoyment of your craft.

Looking forward to a productive, healthy, & increasing 2011,


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