
So, there has been a lot going on in my life…and therefore not a lot of blogging. And I am sorry about that. There are days when I look at my computer and just wish, just wish that I could sit down and let my fingers warm they keys as they rush across the letters. But alas, this has yet to happen.


I will say, most of the cardboard has left my house! We actually bought a pile of boxes off kijiji and decided to sell all those and all the ones we collected… for very cheap. So that was nice. My sewing room is up and running…although nothing has really been running as of yet. Since the french doors aren’t covered with roman blinds yet, every time I walk by, I crave to just walk in and let my brain go…but again, it hasn’t happened. I did however take the time tonight as the laundry was drying (still have yet to figure out my new dryer…i.e. what setting really dries the huge loads of laundry I do), to say hi. I miss you all and can’t wait until things get a little more normal.


I do think it is funny that now we have moved in and are a bit more settled, I have no desire to get rid of my 1980s light fixtures eventhough I hate them every time I see them….nor do I have the drive to paint over the jade feature wall in the living room…but I feel that once the holidays are over, I will be ready. It is really nice to not “have” to do anything. I love my new house and thank God every day that we were able to make this wonderful move. (I was really the neck though that turned the camels head:)….is that how it goes?)

I am making Stockings for a wonderful family, whose mom just happens to be into Stampin’ Up…and she’s very talented I might add. I really hope I got the colors matched alright 🙂 (Above-this felt wasn’t as great of a match as the fleece I found:)





Lil’ E looks so much like her sister…but yet so much like herself. I think I shared these last week, but boy she’s a cutie!

I found this lamp at Ikea. I was thinking Lil’ E’s room…but then I decided I had said to myself no more Ikea (you’d have to see my house to understand why this is a no-no:)

Here is my entrance way…at 11pm. Yes, very “Oakie” I am not a fan…but it’s in excellent condition for it’s age…and so I am not changing it…right now anyway:)


Happy Weekend!



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