So…we made the plunge. The plunge into the world of minivans..or “MV’S” as I like to call them. Seriously no one says “sport utility vehicle” (which doesn’t sound cool, just ordinary…ok, I’m trying to make myself feel better.), so I think I can say “MV”. Anyway. Work with me here.
I keep asking my husband if wearing high heels in the MV will make it cooler. He always says no, so I haven’t tried it. I’ll try it tomorrow and you let me know what you think when I post the photos:)
I had a crazy time getting everything I needed in the VW Toureg we bought. (Things kept falling out of the trunk last week. It was awful. Two crying kids in their car seats and one mom trying to struggle with two reusable shopping bags full of groceries from Superstore. Yeah, I was a sight!) The Toureg just was a fancy ride. Not practical. And by the time we got that, our CRV (which is fabulous btw!) was pretty much sold to family, so we had to come up with another option. My husband likes to stay it’s an early upgrade. I like to say it’s an early upsize. TomatOs, TAmatos.
Honestly though, this MV is a Honda and has everything and more (more meaning the cargo space to carry a small aircraft) that the toureg did. All the bell and whistles. Ok..the engine isn’t as big or something, but really, what girl looks at that?
The biggest draw back was the cupholders. Yes, the cupholders. I need room for a sippy cup of water for Lil’ A, soon a cup for Lil’ E and my water bottle. Well, then I always need to have space for a coffee to get me through all the passing of the water bottle back and forth. Yes, I know she needs her own cupholder. I did that. I got the fancy one that sits on the side of the carseat. She doesn’t use it-ever. If I don’t take the bottle while stopped at a light, it ends up on the floor resulting in a leaking mess (because no bottle is leak proof forever!). Anyway-while we are working on that, I still need room for at least 4 cups in the front. Guess what? I had two! Who makes a car with two cup holders?! I guess the VW designers only drink water. And never share their car with toddlers or a husband.
Now I have 8 cupholders. And no matter how uncool I look driving the MV, I definitely won’t be losing my cool over not enough space! Take that SUVs! (Again, trying to make it sound a whole lot better…it’ll grow on me, I’m sure.)
(This isn’t my car…oh no, I have leather seats…again trying to make it sound luxurious.. But these are exactly what I have-4 cup holders in the middle, 2 in the doors, 2 that pop out from above the cd player. I’m in heaven)
See, it kindof looks like an ‘Sport utility vehicle’….
Ok, ok, I’ll stop. But at least you know where I’ve been this week…getting used to driving my new MV:)