All I have to say…

So, it is finally acting more consistently like summer in the Capital region! However, with that comes the need for air conditioning-which is unnecessary the other 335 days of the year (really we only get 30 days that you feel like you “need” it). Sometimes instead of taking in the heat, we head to the […]

Sippin’ summer

If only summer went by as slow as I wanted I could drink more of these… You should try it! I just added these to a glass of ice water: 2 mint leaves 1 lime sliced Sit on porch/veranda/deck/front yard,etc and enjoy!! Tomorrow I’m hoping to get up some recent recipes…provided everyone gets some sleep. […]

I wish…

So, I’ve blog stalking (I’ve heard this phrase as of late…I’m sure it will be entered into the dictionary at some point in the near future) this really cute blog called “Love Stitched” and she does a post about what she is wishing for. Well…other than more sleep (see, I’m doing this blog just before […]