All I have to say…

So, it is finally acting more consistently like summer in the Capital region! However, with that comes the need for air conditioning-which is unnecessary the other 335 days of the year (really we only get 30 days that you feel like you “need” it). Sometimes instead of taking in the heat, we head to the mall….but who can head to the mall at midnight???

Everyone is awake at 1:00am except lil’ E, which makes me very happy that she’s sleeping, but unhappy that I’m not. That leads me to the cutest thing I have yet had lil’ A do.

I went into her room about an hour ago to try once again to help her get to sleep after being asked to have her join me in my bed. No way am I letting that become a habit (sorry co-sleeping moms-it just isn’t my thing. I need my space at night-mostly because I awake at anything). I told her I needed to go check on Lil’ E and Daddy. She put her hot and sweaty little arm around my neck, patting my head and said, “No Mommy” and kept her arm around my neck. Seriously, what’s a mommy to do? So I laid there for 30 minutes with her (and no it didn’t help…she came downstairs 5 minutes after I left.) I continually remind myself that these days will go quickly and I’ll wish for those types of moments again, so I take every one I’m giving and soak in it.

In my sewing world…oh boy! I’ve gotten addicted to skirts. Skirts for me, skirts for the girls…and skirts for no…the last one is a joke:) (Sorry, honey) I currently have 3 skirts waiting to be made, 1 skirt to repurpose and 1 skirt almost sketched out. Now to get some time to sew. It’s coming. My studio is finally clean! Well, ok, more organized. All the minky is in rubbermaids (that stuff goes everywhere and needs to be contained!), and I have about 150 mini bolts of fabric (1-4 yards each) neatly rolled up and sitting on my shelves. I can see everything. It’s great.

Here’s where I got the mini bolt idea from here.

I will post photos of my girls wearing their matching Tulle Ruffle Skirts. They are really so cute! I used their matching t-shirts that I got at Superstore for 3.97 each as inspiration for the colors!

Well, that’s it folks. I need to go wash my feet (I do it every night-makes me feel like I’m not making my sheets dirty with my sandal feet:) and I need to sleep. Lil’ E will be up for a snack in a few hours. It’s finally cooling off in my room so hopefully I can get to sleep. I keep meaning to blog more (I honestly have a whole list in my iPhone of things I want to talk about), and I’ll get to it. Patience is a virtue!

Because I always think blogs are way more interesting if their writer’s include photos, here is one of lil’ E at one month old. She’s 6 weeks now and already bigger. I made the flower  from some fabric flowers I had and clipped it to a little hat. This particular Sunday she was dedicated at church. Oh, I love her more every day!

Ok…that’s a lot of Mommy loving in one post. Sweet dreams everyone!


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