
So, it’s been a lonnnnggggg time since I posted, and I am so sorry for that. The last post that I had written was on about my nesting yet again…that was interrupted by Lil’ A needing something …and then well it was May 24th and I started having contractions….and if you’re a mom, you know what I’ve been doing since then.

Changing diapers, feeding children, playing with children, feeding children a snack, changing diapers, convincing one said 2 year old to go for a nap, rocking 3 week old to sleep (I know, “Baby Wise” parents, bad move…however, I just can’t put her down…I won’t touch on ‘that’ topic), and doing it all over again!

So there has been little time to sit at my computer, actually little time for anything including sleep or a cup of coffee. Although, Lil’ A has learned how to use the Keurig coffee maker with supervision, so at least I have another set of hands to get it started. And yes, she knows not to touch it when it’s hot. Geeee! 🙂

I spend the hours nursing or when I’m up with Lil’ E  in the middle of the night watching HGTV and reading sewing and scrapbooking magazines trying to make mental notes of what I want to do when I have some free time:) Ha, Free Time…more on that later… I really should just get myself some post-its to mark my desired creations, huh? Yes, I’ll do that. Save on brain power at 2am.

Actually we haven’t had a 2 am yet….just a 9pm-1am wake time. Yes, my newborn is awake that long…well she drifts in and out. She is a louder sleeper than lil’ A ever was…and she likes her arms out when swaddled. She has a calmer personality (Thank you, Jesus for making 2nd borns calmer), and she nurses way better. I think some of that is just me-I know what I’m doing. Sorry if that’s TMI for some of you reading who aren’t parents yet or who are men (Do any men actually read my blog??? Not even sure if my husband does:) I think he scans it…)

Thankfully Lil’ E is pretty easy. We went out after one week home, with some assistance from Daddy, whom we dropped at work for a few hours. I’ve learned everything takes longer with two, and as long as you have patience and don’t plan too much to “have to get done”, then it is pretty easy. Minus the lack of sleep (I know, get off the computer and take a nap…but I just needed some therapy in the way of writing…), things are going well. We’ve already gone on a trip with the two girls. Yes, I know again, why. Well. We just don’t stop our life, we just let the kids join in. We take things pretty slow and don’t stay too busy (which I love that I have a husband who shares this philosophy), but we don’t just stay at home either. I am a homebody, however, I do like to travel occasionally.

We went to Seattle (Burlington/Anacortes, WA area). My Husband was on work and I was on a mission to go shopping. Which I did. At my favourite place on earth…ok almost…

Pottery Barn Kids!

It was in this cute little shopping area called “University Village”. I tell you, I really want to move to Seattle. It is so pretty! Anyway. Needless to say, we spent 2 hours there, playing with toys and following Mommy around:) Two diaper changes & 200.00 later, we left. I satisfied the craving…for a while anyway!

The girls were great travellers. Lil A had her own seat this time, as she is over 2 now. She really enjoyed it and only once disobeyed the seatbelt sign.

Anyway. We are home now and my mom is almost done work…so I’ll have to call her over to play with Lil’ A so I can get into the studio again.

Over the next few weeks, this blog might become more personal and less business, but that’s kindof the goal of my business-to be personable and real…be a place where moms can come to be encouraged. It isn’t just happening at your house….it’s happening else where…and “she dealt with “it” exactly as you did…and feels exactly like you did when she did it” kindof of place.

So if you are a blogging mommy who’s blog has fallen to second, third or tenth place, be encouraged-there’s always tomorrow to yak about online….



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