Oh My!

So, our house has been through a bout of the cold. All of us, starting last Tuesday and lasting until about today with me. I finally sewed yesterday! Actually I should say, I finally got out of bed….not literally, I’d done that…but figuratively. I wasn’t just going from couch to couch to bed to couch. Thank you, Jesus! I have a pretty high immunity to sickness both due in part to my years of being around lil’ cutie pies in my classroom and part to praying constantly for health and healing in my house…and I am sure a few other things like diet, sleep, etc…..

However being 7+ months pregnant, I haven’t been sleeping as well and that just didn’t help. So here we are on the other side-thankful!

So what I have I been doing with all the void time laying around you might ask? Well, thinking about all the things I want to make. As we speak, Lil’ A’s noises from her room have stopped, signaling the start of my creative time. I just put in an order for more colors of tulle for tutus! I will be making tutus this afternoon and cutting out pieces for new Lil’ Cooks Aprons. These next few are going to be navy, white and yellow! I bought lil’ A a shirt for her birthday with these colors and was instantly inspired.

I should get going…I popped over to Oldnavy.ca and accidentally started shopping(hehe!) I didn’t check out though, so we’re safe! Or should I say my husband is safe. I purchased fabric this morning for our new arrival in May. SHE has to have some of her own blankets! Yes, another lil’ girl. I was looking forward to re-decorating….but seeing as all the nursery things moved to a new room, I guess it is kindof the same thing. Regardless, baby is healthy and that is all the matters-girl or boy:)

Glad to be back!


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