It’s a busy life…

So….I have been thinking for 3 days what to write. I know, it’s been a week or so….you see…the issue isn’t that I don’t have anything to write about, it’s that I have too much to write about. I wish I could type faster. Although I am still convinced out of all my friends, I type the fastest. If we were in actual conversation as opposed to Skype, I can guarantee they’d never get in a word! My thoughts run like the tap in my kitchen right now. It’s a slow drip….but a drip just the same. I have just a few seconds to savor the idea or thought and then “ping” I get a new one and the process starts all over again.

I don’t always have my computer on, but it runs most of the time. There, I’ve recently started having folders for all my ideas, at the advice of a friend of mine. But those folders aren’t enough…I have a notebook full of notes of half thoughts, half drawings when the words weren’t doing it justice.

So, today, I thought I’d let you in on some of these thoughts. Here’s my running list for today…how many ideas did you have today?

1. Anna’s immunizations-must read up on those, I thought. This came after reading someone’s facebook post about it.

2. A easy sewing tutorial that even someone without a machine can do (I can’t give any more detail-this is the internet…someone may do it before I get to it:)

3. Uses for Ziplock bags-how many do I have? I’m still compiling this list-do you have any? Post it in the comment section!

4. How to make a diaper bag strap? I’ve drew this one out….but still needs some tweeking…

5. How in the world am I going to go through all the boxes in my garage? I only want to take what I really need….after all it’s just stuff…and who needs all that stuff? Garage sale anyone!!! $10.00 a box…each box has a surprise!… no peeking until you leave the sale:) Ok, I’m teasing….

6. Diaper Pocket-Must sew and upload asap to store on website

7. How do I want to organize my fabric? This is what I said to myself as I roamed through Ikea this afternoon. I got a few ideas. If it wasn’t midnight, I’d take a photo of what I bought…tomorrow….add that to tomorrow’s to do list…along with….

8. Make Banana bread from this Recipe

9. Make Oatmeal cookies…..My adorable husband made mention that the cookie jar was empty

10….oh…I am sure there was more…I’m now just starting to get sleepy…oh wait…nope I have more…

11. Finish last chapter of book…not reading…writing. My 6 year writing project is coming to an end…the editing begins soon. The issue is I have been toying with the ending alot lately. I finally think I know how I want it to end. Again-I can’t tell you yet…it’s the internet…how do I copyright the internet?

12. It was a good day….what’s leftover from my thoughts today, can continue tomorrow. Who knows, tomorrow may be the day of the idea that may change my life…or it my folders may just get yet another photo, sketch or paragraph added.

But it’s all part of the process.

Your success stems from ideas. Success never comes if you don’t step out. And stepping out can’t happen unless you have an idea. And an idea starts one sentence, one drawn on napkin at a time…..

I have a pen….can you pass me that napkin?

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